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Top 4 Holiday Promotions to Sell More Tickets


The holiday season opens up many affordable and creative opportunities to sell out your event early. Take a look at our top 4 best holiday selling secrets below.

1. Ask for calendar listings. Calendar listings are a great way to expose your event to your neighboring communities looking for new, seasonal activities. Because more families look for things to do during the holidays, local media will give seasonal event calendars more attention and may be interested in covering your events. It’s a great chance to begin establishing a working relationship with the media, and you never know – your holiday event might draw enough interest to get a reporter sent out to write about it!

2. Add a charitable element. The holidays are a perfect time to give back! Partner with local nonprofits or other area fundraisers to build a positive community. Both you and the charity you work with will benefit from good exposure from the cross promotion during a time when people are feeling a little extra philanthropic.

Bonus: Local media might also be more interested in writing about your event if there is a “feel-good” element to it, making it easier for you to receive press coverage!

3. Package deals for groups. During the holidays, families reunite, friends return from school, and groups of people are ready to go out on the town! Packaging your tickets and offering group discounts will make it easier for ticket buyers to choose your event as their holiday entertainment.

4. Share discount codes closer to the event. The 12 days of Christmas, 7 days of Kwanzaa, or 8 days of Hanukkah are great tools for building buzz around your event and promoting higher traffic on your purchase page. If you release the discount codes over your Facebook or Twitter, you’ll also encourage higher engagement on your social sites and maybe even gain some new followers.

These tips are just a few ways to get your event rolling during the holiday season. If you’d like to bounce some ideas off our event promotions team, we’d be happy to hear from you. Give us a call at(800) 838-3006 (Option 5) or email us

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