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Three Rules for Social Media That are the Same as on a First Date

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Here are three rules for good social media behavior that are the same as out on a first date:


Rule number one: Make the first move. If you want people to like you and follow you, you have to take the first step and follow them. Take a risk. Be vulnerable. If they don’t follow you back, you can always dump them later.

Rule number two: Don’t only talk about yourself the whole time. As wonderful as you are, it gets tiring to hear about it nonstop. This is a two way relationship. Ask questions. Listen. Respond.

Rule number three: Give compliments. Similar to rule number two. Shout-outs are much appreciated. If there is someone you admire, say it. Post a link to their site. Tell everyone exactly why you think they rock. Maybe it’s excellent service, interesting branding or a cause you can support, be specific and generous with your praise.

If you’d like to learn more about how use social media to promote events, I’m hosting a workshop on Thursday, July 7th at 6pm at PariSoma in San Francisco. It’s free and open to the public. Just go to brown paper tickets and search for “simple tips” to register.

Or, just visit:

See you there!