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How to Install Google Analytics

As DIY advocates, we understand the importance of measuring success in affordable ways. When it comes to managing your presence online, tracking results is an easy way to advocate for extra grants, funding, and of course it can help you plan for future events. Google Analytics, used by over 15,000,000 websites worldwide, can help you monitor
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Event Tips >


Como defensores de DIY (hazlo tú mismo), entendemos la importancia de medir el éxito en formas asequibles. Cuando se trata de administrar tu presencia en línea, rastrear los resultados es una manera fácil de abogar por subsidios o financiamientos adicionales y, en definitiva, te puede ayudar a planear eventos a futuro. Google Analytics, que se utiliza
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Event Tips >


Vous produisez un événement visuel, tel un festival, un atelier avec un création inhabituelle, ou un spectacle costumé sur scène ? Vous devriez songer à organiser une avant-première pour les médias. Le but de cette avant-première est de vous faire remarquer par le public avant le début de votre événement. Si les médias sont intéressés
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Event Tips >

Media Preview 101

If you are producing a visual event, such as a festival, a class where you are creating something unusual, or a staged event with captivating costumes, consider holding a media preview. The purpose of a media preview is to get publicity and public awarenessbefore your event begins. If the media is interested in your event but
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Event Tips >


Si estás produciendo un evento visual, como un festival, un evento donde estas creando algo novedoso o una puesta en escena con un vestuario deslumbrante, considera la posibilidad de realizar una presentación de prensa. El objetivo de una presentación de prensa es conseguir publicidad y lograr que el público conozca el evento antesde su realización. Si
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Event Tips >

Discover Walks: Discover Paris with a Parisian!

With its office tucked in a charming courtyard nearby Place de la Bastille in Paris, Discover Walks, a small company offering guided tours is successfully spreading its wings throughout Europe and the United States. It was founded, almost by accident, in 2010 by Jim Jorgensen and Alexandre Gourevitch, who had met when working together in
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News >


Vous avez finalisé les détails logistiques de votre événement : salle, divertissement et programme. Il est temps de commencer la promotion ! Une belle affiche peut vous aider à générer un buzz autour de votre événement et permettre au bouche à oreille de se répandre naturellement. Suivez nos conseils ci-dessous pour concevoir une affiche qui aura de
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Event Tips >

Poster Design 101

You’ve secured a venue, entertainment and a schedule for your event. Now it’s time to start promoting! With a beautifully designed poster, you can build organic buzz around your event and watch it spread like wildfire. Follow these tips below to create a powerful event poster. The Basics 1. Select tools and a style that
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Event Tips >


Ahora que has asegurado un lugar, entretenimiento y un calendario para tu evento, ha llegado el momento de empezar a promocionarlo. Con un poster muy bien diseñado, puedes generar entusiasmo para tu evento y verlo llegar a las masas a pasos agigantados. Sigue estos consejos para crear un poster poderoso para tu evento. Conceptos básicos
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Event Tips >

Meet the BPT Team: Rachel Wong Releases Album on iTunes and Spotify

We’d like to introduce our Campaign Leader and Community Wrangler, Rachel Wong. In case you couldn’t tell from what she’s holding in her hand, in addition to being the voice of Brown Paper Tickets on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Foursquare, as well as holding the keys to Brown Paper Tickets’ social media and digital
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Music >