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Net Neutrality is Freedom

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Net Neutrality “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

~ First Amendment, United States Constitution, 1791

Brown Paper Tickets views net neutrality as a protection of constitutional right. If we don’t stand together as citizens of a democratic republic, we won’t be losing our inherited freedoms – we’ll be handing them over. The freedoms our ancestors died for in other countries and in the streets of our own towns are to be cherished and celebrated, debated and defended.

While corporations may now be citizens and attempt to rule our country through plutocrats and puppetry, ours is not a country for sale. The Internet is an element of nearly all new business. It is the core of communication, assembly and organzing. How can anyone pretend the throttling of freedom is American?

Capitalism is our market choice, not our government. In our already tilted field of citizenship, where corporations run buckshot over individuals’ freedoms, proposing control and limits to the Internet is like asking a recovering patient to share an artery to help out a drunk.

We believe in the power of people to gather around a common passion, interest or cause. We serve tens of millions of event organizers and ticket buyers. Equal load times and unbiased access to digital content is what makes the Internet democratic. Anyone can tap the Internet to innovate, share, organize, learn, grow, communicate, entertain and that beautiful freedom has become a way of life.

The Internet is one of the fertile fields from which our great democracy grows anew. The place where we fight to improve our lot. And the place where we plant our dreams. It is quite possibly one of the only great democratic tools left to citizens. Do not fetter what is now an unfettered freedom of speech and access. Keep neutral what is essential for the good of humanity.

Brown Paper Tickets democratized access to ticket services back in 2000, offering event organizers free online tools to sell event tickets with fair ticket buyer service fees. Why? Because everyone has the right to gather and the right to wild and weird and funky fantastic experiences free of economic barriers and digital obstacles.

Keep the web wild, weird, fair and free.