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Support Your Local Pride Parade!

Tomorrow is the largest Pride Parade day in the country, with millions expected to attend and support free Pride Parades in San Francisco, New York City, Chicago and Seattle. Outlandish floats and a myriad of exciting sights and sounds will abound at every extravaganza nationwide– but one thing that sets Seattle’s Pride Parade apart from the rest: the ability to support future Pride celebrations and to voluntarily ‘give what you can’ to Seattle Out and Proud through Brown Paper Tickets’ new fee-free donation tool.

The fee-free donation tool is available to all event organizers to collect donations, even from those who cannot attend the event. One hundred percent of the donation proceeds go directly to the event organizer and there is no fee on any portion of the donation.

The Seattle Pride Parade is always free to the public so they can use your donations for improving the parade each year. For more information on Seattle Pride events, including the Pride Parade, visit Seattle Out and Pride’s website. To donate to the organization, or to buy a ticket for their pre-parade breakfast, go to

Happy Pride from all of us here at Brown Paper Tickets and if you’re in Seattle, look for us in the parade on Sunday!


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