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Featured Non-Profit: Kiva

As you probably know, Brown Paper Tickets is a ticketing company. We sell tickets all over the world to events and have an unbelievable list (in my opinion) of free services and tools for event producers to put their events together. What you may not be fully aware of is this whole other branch of the company that is very involved in giving back to our communities. This is the realm I am fortunate enough to be immersed in.

One of the most recent additions to our company’s giving came from the Marketing and Communications team. The VP of Marketing and Communications, Kelsye Nelson, was given a budget of $25 a month to take her staff out to lunches or coffee, so instead, in the spirit of Brown Paper Tickets, she and her team decided to vote on one person a month who they feel has been rocking their job and exhibits the essence of Brown Paper Tickets. This month I was honoured with their votes. As the winner of  the grand prize, I get to choose who the money goes to this month at Kiva. [youtube=]
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Featured Non-Profit: Locks of Love

After the big cut!

In the spirit of giving this holiday season I challenge you to find a gift in which you don’t receive anything in return (except maybe a warm fuzzy feeling inside). Think of a way you can volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, wrap presents for homeless kids, donate your old towels to an animal shelter. It can be easy to give BIG to an organization with little effort from you.

This year one of my big gives was 10 inches of my hair. It may seem like a lot (an believe me, it took me years to build up the courage to do it), but really, it’s just hair and it grows back.

There is an organization called Locks of Love. They are “a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.” By taking donated hair, they create hair prosthetics which helps to restore the kid’s “self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.” As if battling a life threatening disease isn’t hard enough, kids have to still face their peers and explain why they look different. Locks of Love gives them an opportunity to feel better inside and out.
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