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Sell more tickets on Twitter: Five ways to turn followers into ticket buyers

Event Tips >

You know you can use social media to sell tickets online. If only you knew how… It’s easy! Here are five simple things you can do to turn your Twitter followers into ticket buyers.

1. Say exactly what you want. 
Posting information about your events on your Twitter feed is an excellent start. Increase the number of conversations by saying exactly what you want people to do. For example, instead of simply posting “Excellent blues show tonight at the Red Door!”, try “Buy your tickets now to tonight’s excellent blues show at the Red Door!”. (Of course, remember to include the link!) This makes it easy for your followers to know that you aren’t simply posting nice-to-know information, but are asking for action.

2. Don’t always talk about yourself. 
Have you ever been on date with someone that talked about themselves the whole time? You know how easy it is to tune them out and how unlikely it is that you will ever spend time with them again. It’s the same on social media. If you are only talking about your events, people are going to get sick of you and stop paying attention. We like to follow a loose three to one rule. For every single self-serving post, we post at least three more times about things that have nothing to do with us but that our followers may be interested in. These other posts can be links to industry articles, funny pictures, shout-outs to people we admire and so on. Need help thinking of more things to post? Call Sarah in Event Promotions at (800) 838-3006 option 5. She’s a whizz at helping people come up with interesting content. (For free!)

3. Link! Link! Link!
Buying tickets to your event should be effortless. Don’t make your interested followers have to hunt around or search for your event. Every time you mention your event, include a link where people can buy tickets. Don’t just link to the Brown Paper Tickets home page, but directly to your event page.

4. Give tickets away.
Buzz is beautiful. The more people talking about your event, the higher the demand for your tickets. You can get people talking by offering a couple pairs of tickets as giveaways on your Twitter feed. Make it simple. For example, ask people to RT (retweet) your event link and say why they want to go. Then choose the winner from the RTs. By sacrificing just a couple pairs of tickets, you can get more people talking about your event to their friends and followers, reach a bigger audience and fill even more seats. Plus, free giveaways train your followers to watch your feed closely. No one wants to miss a freebie!

5. Use tools to make your life easier.
Perhaps you don’t have eight hours a day to sit and play on social media? Shocking! No worries. There are tools you can use to make your life easier. Online tools such as HootSuite and TweetDeck allow you to schedule out posts in advance. This means you can spend 15 minutes in the morning writing all your tweets for the day, then be done with it. You can also use these tools to quickly see who’s talking to and about you and respond easily.

Hear something helpful? Click here to tweet this articleand share with your followers.

Want one-on-one guidance to help you sell more tickets on social media? 
Call our Event Promotions department at (800) 838-2006 (option 5). We can go over your event specifically and help you generate more ideas for early ticket sales.

Need help getting your Twitter feed to appear on your Brown Paper Tickets event? 
Please call our Client Services department at (800) 838-3006 (option 3). Our team is standing by 24/7 to help with all your technical and account questions.