Foodie Friday: Summer Berry Jam

IMG_2860Along with the great weather and for some us, a long awaited vacation, summer brings a plethora of yummy treats. I grew up in northern California and was surrounded by wild edible berries as a child. Luckily, I’m still surrounded by them as an adult here in the Pacific Northwest. For the adventurous, young-at-heart gourmet, spending an afternoon with friends and family picking blackberries, tayberries, or blueberries quickly turns into delicious homemade jam for all.

The recipe shared this week is based on my personal tastes and is the most abundant option to me. You can easily use any single type of berry or a combination that equals the same total amount in the recipe. Tayberries are a cross between red raspberries and blackberries, and have a brilliant red color. When working with berries such as these, you may want to wear clothes that you don’t mind staining and be careful of your counter tops as they also can be stained.

Stay cool!
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